
Need help paying for glasses?

Prevent Blindness Georgia works with different programs to provide vouchers for free eye care for children and adults. Click on the links below to download the application that you need.

Please note: all applicants must submit documentation of income to apply for any of the vouchers below. If you need assistance for glasses for a child, please call (404) 266-1548. If you need assistance with eyeglasses for an adult, please call (404) 266-2895.

For Children

If you already have a prescription for eyeglasses for your child:

If you have a prescription for eyeglasses for your child, you may be eligible to use the HealthyEyes Access to Eyeglasses Program which provides free glasses to low income, uninsured children who qualify. The prescription for eyeglasses must be valid and less than two years old. The vouchers can be used at participating LensCrafters, Sears Optical, Target Optical, and Pearle Vision stores.

Please click this link for the application: HealthyEyes Access to Eyeglasses Program

If you do not already have a prescription for eyeglasses for your child:

Sight for Students is a VSP charity that provides free eye exams and glasses to low income, uninsured children who qualify. The program operates nationally through a network of community partners, such as Prevent Blindness Georgia, who identify children in need. VSP network doctors provide eye care services which can give your child a prescription for glasses. Children who are not eligible for PeachCare or Medicaid may qualify for the Sight for Students program.

Please click this link for the application: Vision Service Plan’s (VSP) Sight for Students

Si necessitas una forma en español, clic aquí.

Once you download and complete an application, submit your completed copy to:

Shavette Turner
Prevent Blindness Georgia
270 Carpenter Drive, Suite 606
Sandy Springs, GA 30328


For questions about children’s vouchers, contact Shavette Turner at (404) 266-1548.

Replacement Eyeglasses for Children

Prevent Blindness Georgia is able to provide replacements for lost or broken eyeglasses for children who qualify for $30. Parents must first fax or email the child’s current prescription (less than one year old) to Prevent Blindness Georgia. The fax/email must contain:

  1. A current prescription (Only single vision lenses can be ordered).
  2. The child’s pupillary distance (PD) measurement from the optician who originally filled the prescription
  3. The child’s birth date
  4. The parent’s name and phone number

Once the prescription is received, Prevent Blindness Georgia will call the number provided to verify eligibility and schedule the appointment for the next clinic. Eye exams are not available.

Payment may be made by VISA, MasterCard or cash (correct change please).

Contact Shavette Turner for more information.

For Adults

If you already have a prescription for eyeglasses

You might qualify for The Healthy Eyes Eyeglasses Program which provides free eyeglasses for eligible individuals with a valid prescription that is less than two years old. Recipients will receive a voucher that can be used at participating Sears Optical, Target Optical, LensCrafters, or Pearle Vision Center stores. The voucher does not include an eye exam. Recipients are required to participated in a Prevent Blindness Georgia screening program or be referred by a PBGA partner agency. You must include a copy of your prescription with the form below.

Please click this link for application

If you do not already have a prescription for eyeglasses

You might be eligible for the VSP Mobile Eyes Program which provides gift certificates to qualifying individuals that will cover a comprehensive eye exam by a licensed VSP optometrist or ophthalmologist as well as one pair of glasses.

Please click this link for application

You can also complete an application online:  

Click here to fill out the form:Vision Outreach Voucher & Clinic Application

Once you download and complete an application, submit your completed copy to:

De Nichols
Prevent Blindness Georgia
270 Carpenter Drive, Suite 606
Sandy Springs, GA 30328


For fastest processing, email the completed form (with copy of your prescription if you have a prescription) instead of mailing. If you have questions about adult vision vouchers, contact De Nichols at (404) 537-4988.

For Surgical Refferals: 

You can downloand the applicaiton and email it in along with your proof of income and doctors note (if applicable). However you can also complete the applicaiton online by clicking the link below.

Click here to fill out form: Surgical Referral For Adults

Haga clic aquí para completar el formulario: Formulario de derivación quirúrgica para adultos

Download form: Surgical Referral Form PDF

If you have any questions or concerns, please email khilderbrand@pbga.org